It’s important that you consider home security and personal safety.
Big cities like Leeds, Nottingham and Bradford give criminals greater opportunities, (especially student areas where there are multiple people living in shared houses) so everyone has to be extra vigilant and take extra care in protecting themselves and their property.
What are we doing to keep you safe
Burglar alarm
Check the burglar alarm instructions before you go in to the house for the first time so you have the number to hand. It is provided in an email generated to your personal email account when you collect your keys.
It is normal to just tap in the code to unset and again to set as you leave the property. Further instructions can be found here.
If you don’t feel confident working your burglar alarm, contact your Housing Management Officer
Walk in burglaries
Nearly half of burglaries in the traditional student areas are ‘walk in’ crimes where the intruder gets in through a door or window that has been left open. Shut and lock doors and windows even when you are in another room.
99% of burglaries that have occurred in Unipol properties have been through an insecure window or door and Unipol cannot do anything further to prevent this type of crime, apart from reinforcing the message and educating our tenants
If you are burgled you should take the following action;
Report the matter to the Police. It is vital that you get a crime reference number and pass it to Unipol. Without a crime reference number it will be impossible to get insurance companies to pay out on any damage for which you may be liable.
During office hours you can phone; Leeds 0113 243 0169 / Bradford 01274 235 899/ Nottingham 0115 934 5020
Personal safety
Street crime often gets a lot of publicity. Muggings and bag snatching are still quite rare. Your chance of being a victim of these sorts of crime is reduced dramatically when you are with other people.
'Immobilise'; the National Property Register scheme is supported by the Police and Universities. You can register your possessions on this site for free, and if they get stolen and recovered by the Police, it’s easier for them to identify who they belong to and return them. Remember, your possessions are covered by Endsleigh - so check the details to ensure that what you own is covered; we cant do this for you.
Many of Unipol's larger sites have CCTV in the communal areas of the building for the security and safety of the tenants but also for the management of the building. If a serious incident occurs we will work with the Police to provide them with the information requested.
If your property has a CCTV feed on your aerial system (usually only in larger developments) then you can use this to look at the areas covered from home. You should not record this or use it for any other purposes.
If all tenants are away from the property for a while;